Why Fukushima death toll projections are based on junk science
...But I want to end on a different note, with a look at how real people actually did suffer and die as a direct result of the Fukushima accident – not because of the radiation itself, but because the fear of radiation led to a hurried evacuation of vulnerable people from hospitals and care homes. A paper in The Lancet describes the sorry mess that resulted:
Medical personnel did not accompany the patients during transportation. Bed-ridden patients were laid down on the seats, wrapped in protective gowns. During transportation, some patients suffered trauma by falling from the seats of the vehicles[...] before reaching admitting facilities.
27 patients with severe medical problems such as end-stage renal failure or stroke were transported more than 100 km to Iwaki city. At least 12 of them were confirmed dead at 0300 h on March 15, ten of whom seemed to have died in the vehicles during transportation. Later, it was reported that more than 50 patients died either during or soon after evacuation, probably owing to hypothermia, dehydration, and deterioration of underlying medical problems.
And the next sentence is the key:
In the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, there were no deaths related to radiation or the explosion of the reactors. However, the evacuation of these patients was accompanied by loss of life.
As Chernobyl showed, fear of radiation is a far greater risk than radiation itself in the low doses experienced by the affected populations after both accidents. Unfortunately work by Jacobson and other anti-nuclear campaigners (in academia, environmental groups and elsewhere) will make this fear worse, and harm people’s health accordingly. I hope they are aware of this.
In der Ukraine sind die Langzeitfolgen der Strahlung das Hauptproblem.
Es ist erschreckend, dass manche User immernoch ignorieren, täuschen, falsch behaupten
und zum Teil anscheinend auch bewusst lügen.
Ich schlage vor, Packt Euer Sackle und Packle und zieht nach Pripjat um.
Sicher bekommt Ihr als "nicht priviligierte Stromverbraucher" und Freunde des heiligen
Atoms dort Sonderkonditionen. Nebenbei könnt Ihr gleich den Müll zusammenfegen
und um den Sarkophag eine Neue Hülle bauen.
Die EU subventioniert die Errichtung und den Unterhalt der Schutzhülle
seit Jahren mit 3-stelligen Millionen Beträgen. Also sicheres Einkommen garantiert.
Ach, Kernkraft ist doch subventionsfrei....... Oder nicht?