Forum des Bundes der Energieverbraucher

Autor Thema: Bericht des UN-Umweltprogramms zu Agrotreibstoffen  (Gelesen 2569 mal)

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Bericht des UN-Umweltprogramms zu Agrotreibstoffen
« am: 20. Oktober 2009, 10:36:33 »
A far more sophisticated approach needs to be taken when developing biofuels as an environmentally-friendly energy option a new report concludes.  Governments should fit biofuels into an overall energy, climate, land-use, water and agricultural strategy if their deployment is to benefit society, the economy and the environment as a whole.  The report, the first by the United Nations Environment Programme\'s (UNEP) International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management, says some first generation biofuels such as ethanol from sugar cane can have positive impacts in terms of greenhouse gas emissions.  As currently practiced in a country such as Brazil, it can lead to emissions reductions of between 70 percent and well over 100 percent when substituted for petrol.  However, the way in which biofuels are produced matters in determining whether they are leading to more or less greenhouse gas emissions. Conditions under which production of biofuels does lead to higher emissions have been identified in the report.  The production and use of biodiesel from palm oil on deforested peatlands in the tropics is cited. It can lead to significant increases in greenhouse gas emissions-up to 2,000 percent or more when compared with fossil fuels.  This is mainly as a result of carbon releases from the soils and land. However, a positive contribution to greenhouse gas emissions can arise if the palm oil or soya beans are instead grown on abandoned or degraded land.


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